Black Lives Matter

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Black Lives Matter

We at the Libertas Center for Human Rights are heartbroken by the terror, injustice, and trauma inflicted on our black neighbors everyday and, in particular, the recent murders. We stand in solidarity with the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and the ever-growing list of black people killed by a system that denies their humanity. We stand with the protestors demanding accountability, a fair criminal justice system, and law enforcement that protects and unifies all of us rather than antagonizes black communities. We stand with all who are brave enough to stand up for  justice, an example we learn from the clients we serve. 
The Libertas Center for Human Rights serves people who have fled oppression worldwide, risking everything to seek asylum and safety in the United States. Many Libertas clients protested and stood up for their rights in their home countries, facing violent repression and torture by soldiers, police officers and government officials on the basis of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or membership in a social group. They left their homes because they believed the U.S. to be a democracy that protects the rights of minorities, accommodates dissent, and holds officers of the state and all accountable for their actions. Watching these ideals repeatedly sullied by the tragic legacy of violence and systemic, institutional racism in our country  saddens us – it is unacceptable. 
Founded to fight against persecution and towards equality for all humans, the Libertas Center  is committed to learning and unlearning, and to most importantly listening to the black community, to support the structural changes and collective action needed to build a future of respect, dignity, diversity, and justice.

In Solidarity,
Team Libertas

Take Action

The Bail Project
Equal Justice Initiative 

Minnesota Based
Black Immigrant Collective
Minnesota Healing Justice Network